Wavy's Hog Farm - Submitted by Lynn!
Lynn writes: "Here is an article about the Hog Farm".
"In the comments, you will find information on how to access the trails leading up to the Hog Farm. I believe the house is still standing- the hillsides around it were engulfed in flames during the Station Fire in 2009. The photos I found were actually more of the hillside (charred remains) than of the house. I did however, locate this photo which was taken during the fires".
Lynn continues: "Sunland-Tujunga is a funky little community. It is an interesting area, considering it borders Burbank which houses many of the movie/TV studios and yet, it seems so far removed from the surrounding cities. Tujunga is sort of Topanga without all of the money...folks with the same ideals, grass roots politics etc. It is in the farthest corner of Los Angeles, nestled in the foothills of the mountains. The community started out as a utopian society/commune. It has never lost its character. It is home to artists, bikers, former hippies and horse farms. It once upon a time also had issues with drug dealers/meth labs. Currently, Sunland-Tujunga serves as the community of Charming, in Sons of Anarchy. Here is some info on the Hog Farm and Sunland/Tujunga aka "the rock".
Lynn continues: "Sunland-Tujunga is a funky little community. It is an interesting area, considering it borders Burbank which houses many of the movie/TV studios and yet, it seems so far removed from the surrounding cities. Tujunga is sort of Topanga without all of the money...folks with the same ideals, grass roots politics etc. It is in the farthest corner of Los Angeles, nestled in the foothills of the mountains. The community started out as a utopian society/commune. It has never lost its character. It is home to artists, bikers, former hippies and horse farms. It once upon a time also had issues with drug dealers/meth labs. Currently, Sunland-Tujunga serves as the community of Charming, in Sons of Anarchy. Here is some info on the Hog Farm and Sunland/Tujunga aka "the rock".

Inside the dome 30-odd men, women and children, lotus-squating, clad in an assortment of strange clothes. Eyes closed, hands clasped in two concentric circles, they are humming in unison...”Om.” “Om” is a loud resonant, brain-buzzing sound made by vibrating air in the sinuses. The choral hum is punctuated by improvisatory moans, pants, and clucks, it dissolves into an athletic chant: “HOG-HOG-HOG-HOG-HOG-HOG-HOG!” Then someone in a Donald Duck jersey stands and gently raises everyone, like a circle of dominoes in reverse. Climax! All fall down. “The Circle Joke” is over, and the Hog Farmers, spent and blissful, break the circle and retire to their sleeping bags for the night.
Avante Garde Magazine, Issue 5, by Peter Schjeldahl
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A blogger gives directions to the Hog farm:
Jeff W, Wed Nov 17, 2010 at 09:50:16 PM
1) you’d drive up into Riverwood Ranch on the other side of the wash at the base of Oro Vista before you drive into Big Tujunga. Anyhow, you continue on Oro Vista into Riverwood Ranch,turn L on Doane Cyn Rd., L again on Eby Cyn Rd, R on Doane Eby, and then a fairly quick left onto Dody Rd., heading into the foothills. You’ll come upon a house standing by itself. Doesn’t look to be the original house necessarily, but I’m sure that old house was incorporated into the footprint.
The other way to reach it was to go out Foothill Bl, heading towards Lake View Terrace . . . , cross over the second bridge, and turn right at the first opportunity, W.Connover St. which spills you onto a dirt road and within a couple of minutes you are on fire roads heading up into the hills. I wouldn’t know if the roads are still open . . . they were open or closed over the years based on the whims of the County. It wouldn’t be surprising if the place were still being used . . . As a matter of fact, I looked at google maps, and I see the house there. The hillside has been terraced around it. I fished for an address and google offer up 9401 Tujunga Valley St. 91342. Since I know Tujunga Valley St is a little dead end street at the edge of the wash . . .I’m assuming the house address is linked to a mail box at the bottom of the road. The house is actually on Dody Rd. Go on Zillow.com to get a fairly decent picture of it.
Jeff Warrender . . .S/T born and bred.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lynn continues: "Almost as interesting as the Hog Farm, is the Verdugo Hills Cemetery. I have included a link here".
"The Satanic rituals that they are talking about involved students from a local high school, who broke into the cemetery and were propping up dead bodies, putting cigarettes in the deceased mouth and having their pictures taken with them. The students were eventually caught".
Thanks Lynn! You're Awesome!
Lynn - this is great...thanks for sharing with us.
Excellent Stuff!!
Thanks again Lynn.
I really enjoyed reading this piece.
You express yourself very well in writing... much like a tour guide.
At first, I was gonna try to make changes, then I thought: "this is great... I can't tell the story any better than this"! LOLOL
So, I left it "as is" and it's awesome.
Thanks for the tip on the rattle snakes!
That could come in handy.
Our friend Circumstance is heading-out to Cali, next year.
He might want to heed that little tidbit.
'Course, if I know Circumstance, he's not gonna let a few deadly venomous creatures spoil his fun! : )
Never!! Ill be bringing back many pics of all the sites from the Haight down to Spahn...
the only difference between mine and the other pics you see on here...
Is that I am secretly in love with myself, and I will be in all of my pictures :)
You gotta hand it to 'Ol Charlie.
He and five girls visit the Hog Farm (in the black "Hollywood Productions" bus, LOL), and last what looks like one day.
He meets Snakes parents... then immediately tries to bang Wavy's wife "Bonnie Jean" in a shed. LOL
(Seems there was a lot going-on in sheds back then).
CM wakes the next day to meditative "OM"-ing.
He emerges from the bus pretending to choke violently.
His women yell for the "Om"-ing to stop, 'cuz it's killing their guru.
Wavy tells Manson to get lost. LOL
You gotta hand it to CM, he just doesn't give a crap. LOL
Thanks Lynn!!
St said...
"Is that I am secretly in love with myself, and I will be in all of my pictures :)"
I don't think that has ever been a secret, Saint! LOL! Come on, you know I like to bust your chops!
It took every fiber of my being, to resist going there, but since you already did... LMAO : )
Nah... Circumstance knows we wouldn't have him any other way.
Heck... what would a self-doubting Circumstance be anyway?
It'd be like peanut butter, without peanuts.
It would seriously suck. LOL
We love ya bro!
We're totally just kidding with ya.
Hey, look at the bright side Saint.
If you put yourself in every photo, you won't have to finagle with water-marking software! : )
When I toss the softball out there- it is totally cool to hit it as hard/far as all of you would like...
Saint - you really are the best!
Where the heck is Katie???
St said - "When I toss the softball out there- it is totally cool to hit it as hard/far as all of you would like..."
Who says I don't hit it as far as I would like?
Saint, you're the fucking Man.
We're just bustin' ya!
The word "secret" hung over the plate like a grapefruit, for ten seconds. LOLOL
We had to take a swing.
Believe me, we wouldn't joke with ya, if we didn't like ya.
I know Mary...
Where the fuck is Katie???
She go to Russia, looking for a new avatar or something? AHahahaha
LOL! Fucking funny...can't believe that someone picked on her about her avatar! Who the hell cares...I liked the one she had...it was different. Screw em all - Katie, we miss you!
And St. - I was just playing...it was funny and you freakin know it!
oh, sorry I cussed!
I'm just bustin' ya Katie.
Another irresistable, pitch.
We wouldn't have you any other way either!
Love ya girl!!!!
I'll tell ya...
If you make friends with Katie, you'll never find a more loyal friend. She's true-blue.
A real good egg... the best.
That's it Mary... I caught that!
You cussed, you're out! LOLOL
I drank WAY too much coffee this afternoon. : )
I don't think anyone picked-on Katie.
Actually, everyone was quite gracious about the whole thing.
She's probably just busy.
I couldn't resist a good laugh though.
Sometimes it's good medicine.
no, you are right...only one was a jerk - "candy and nuts" or something like that...he/she was nasty ... I wanted to say something but didn't want to start a feud.
Speaking of avatars...
Mary, your photo has gotta be one of the best I've ever seen.
The only thing I've seen close, is Marliese over at Colonel's.
Stacey has a cute picture.
"It's both HOT, BEAUTIFUL, and ELEGANT!"
just like me :)LOL!
That's right Mary!
'Cept, you're more beautiful, elegant, and HOT!!!! ; )
Mary... there's one in every crowd.
No big deal.
Most of the folks over at Liz's are cool cats.
I've got no beef with those folks.
Like I said, I thought they were pretty cool about the whole thing.
They could have given Katie quite the ribbing, but they didn't.
They showed a lot of class.
I respect and appreciate that.
yes, Lynyrd - they did...and I enjoy that site also. I meant no harm.
Katie woulda went completely Ape-Shit, and we wouldn't be able to discuss the case anywhere online, for at least a week! AHahahahaha ROFLMAO!
I'm sorry, everything seems funny to me today.
Must be one of those days. LOLOL
Candy and Nuts VS Katie?
Jeepers... Are you fucking kidding me?
We'd have to open special threads at both locations for 3 days. : )
Truth be told...
I'm still kinda holding my breath.
Katie can switch gears in an instant! LOLOL
I'll be glad when Liz posts about 6 new threads. LOLOL
This coulda gotten real ugly.
Hi everyone! I just got back in from Russia. HA HA.
Lynn thanks for much for this post. It's very interesting. I don't think I've seen this much info on the Hog Farm before.
Okay....I just can't resist this:
"Inside the dome 30-odd men, women and children, lotus-squating, clad in an assortment of strange clothes. Eyes closed, hands clasped in two concentric circles, they are humming in unison...”Om.” “Om” is a loud resonant, brain-buzzing sound made by vibrating air in the sinuses. The choral hum is punctuated by improvisatory moans, pants, and clucks, it dissolves into an athletic chant: “HOG-HOG-HOG-HOG-HOG-HOG-HOG!”
Okay up until now, surely there isn't a soul in this room who's hoping like hell that no one recognizes them.
"Then someone in a Donald Duck jersey stands..."
WTF???? A Donald Duck jersey? HA HA. And then the circle jerk...errr circle joke is over.
This is priceless!!! I'll bet that "om-ing" would clear up any bad case of sinus.
I could just see 'em all around the water cooler on Monday morning.
"Hey didn't I see you at that Hog Farm Saturday night?"
"Hog Farm...never go there...I mean never heard of it....I mean I was at the movies Saturday night."
Hey Circumstance, when you go there, make sure you take your Donald Duck jersey. Maybe you can end the circle jerk...I mean circle joke. HA HA.
Mary you're so sweet. I switched Avatars because I wanted to. Who knows, I may switch back. LOL.
Mary's pic is awesome...
Marliese is really great and would be terrific for this site... she is very cool and never causes trouble...
I am going to send her a shout on Cols board to tell her about this site..
Katie - welcome back from Russia- I promise to wear my Donald duck Shirt when I swing by the hog farm- and will take a pic and send it to L/S to post- just for you :)
>>Circumstance said: Katie - welcome back from Russia- I promise to wear my Donald duck Shirt when I swing by the hog farm- and will take a pic and send it to L/S to post- just for you :)>>>
Thanks Circumstance. Make sure you get a shot of the "domino falling" at the end. HA HA HA.
Katie- I like your new pic as well-
very intense!!
L/S- hope you dont mind- I posted your site and an invite to Marliese over at Col's site....
maybe I should have asked first...
"Katie- I like your new pic as well-
very intense!!""
Thanks Circumstance. I think it's intense - yet still impish. I like that about Sadie.
Katie said>>>>
"Okay up until now, surely there isn't a soul in this room who's hoping like hell that no one recognizes them".
There prolly isn't a soul in THIS room, that isn't hoping the same thing! AHahahaha
"I could just see 'em all around the water cooler on Monday morning.
"Hey didn't I see you at that Hog Farm Saturday night?"
"Hog Farm...never go there...I mean never heard of it....I mean I was at the movies Saturday night."
LOL Priceless.
"Yeah Jerry... weren't you the one f#cking that hog saturday night?" LOLOL
Sorry... Katie got me going.
I'm in rare form today.
"Didn't I see you over at Lynyrd's site thursday night"?
"No... someone stole my screen-name and avatar, I swear". LMAO
>>>Lynyrd said: "Yeah Jerry... weren't you the one f#cking that hog saturday night?" LOLOL>>>
LMAO!!! So that's the true nature of the "Hog Farm". I'll bet most of those hogs were on two legs.
Mrs. Hog, for instance. I guess Charlie was a couple of Oinks too late for that old snatch.
I agree.
That's a smokin' Hot photo of Sadie.
You gotta double-click on it (blow it up to full size), to get the full effect thought. LOL
y'all are crazy!
Lynyrd - I don't think I have the same edition of The Family as you...the next chapter is "Sleazo Inputs"...I am missing the two chapters you spoke of
Hi Circumstance.
I'd love to have Marliese, and I have no problem at all with you inviting her.
In fact, I'm happy about it.
I'm not sure Colonel's blog is the best medium for the invitation though... as my blog has been plugged, and/or discussed at Colonel's 3-4 times already.
Colonel can be kinda touchy, and I've done a really good job of staying out of his hair, over the years. We're on an "outta sight, outta mind basis". LOL
If you had Marliese's e-mail, that would be preferable.
Honestly, I'll leave that up to you.
I'm sure you prolly know Colonel better than me, at this point.
If you're comfortable with it, it's prolly best to just leave it.
Even if you delete it, the Colonel will see it anyway.
"Administrators" can read deleted comments (although, I've never bothered). LOL
The hell with it... just leave it.
No biggie.
If he gets pissed, I'll just blame it on you. : )
Hey y'all! What you doin' blowin' up my photo???
Sorry Mary.
There's a few versions of the book.
Seems every time Sanders needed more pocket money, he released another edition. LOL
I actually have both versions.
I have a brand new soft-cover... all red, with CM's face on the front.
I have a really old Hard-cover (Copyright 1971)...
I picked-up at a yard sale, for posterity.
It says "The Story of Charles Manson's Dune Buggy Attack Battalion" on the front.
And yes... "Slezo Inputs" is the next chapter, in that version.
The original price of the hard-cover, $6.95.
I think I got it for a buck. LOL
That's gotta be the one you've got.
$20 for the new one. LOL
Hey Katie...
You switch to a HOT photo, you get "double-clicked".
That's the price you pay. LOL
yeah, my version is 1990 - bought it when I was a kid - when I first became facinated.
but you are right...he updates whenever he needs a buck - mine says it is updated with 5 chilling new capters - 8 pages of dramatic photos...it looks like there are 4 different editions of this one book
Katie, you leave that photo up, you're gonna get double-clicked, quite a bit. Just gonna have to get used to it.
Heck... I've already double-clicked Mary like 12 times.
J/K (well sorta) : )
oh, that's why I need a cig?
Ooohhh babies....you can blow my photo up anytime......I'll take your mind off the Manson Family for good.....
Well I got so into the Hog Farm stuff that I missed the rest of it.
>>>Lynn continues: "Almost as interesting as the Hog Farm, is the Verdugo Hills Cemetery.>>>
Wow that's interesting. Satantic rituals in that cemetery. I guess the Family was participating there. They put cigarettes in the corpse's mouths? Didn't they know that was dangerous to their health? HA HA.
Those bodies actually washed out of the cemetery. That must have been an eye opener!!
How would you like to open your front door and see a 1868 corpse on your front porch.
Bob, I LOVE the J. Geils Band.
The "Mighty" J. Gels Band!
I saw them around 1982-83ish... for their last concert, of the "Showtime" tour... before their big break-up.
I still have the ticket stub.
Greatest concert and party band ever!
Tom Petty has said, that he studied footage of Peter Wolf, whom he called "The greatest frontman ever", to see how Peter whipped the crowd, into such a frenzy.
Geils kinda sold-out with the "Centerfold" crap.
But, for years, they were a hard-drivin' blues band of mythical proportions.
Mad respect.
I have their ENTIRE collection on Vinyl.
I saw them a couple times re-united in recent years.
They still sound great... and all original, minus the drummer (Stephen Jo Bladd).
"We're Gonna Blow Your Face OUT!!!!
"oh, that's why I need a cig?"
Mary you crack me up!! LOL.
Mary Said>>>>
"oh, that's why I need a cig"?
AHahahaha... Yup! : )
The crying shame, is that J. Geils released tons of GREAT music for years, and are only known by youngsters, for a few crappy singles released post-MTV era.
You gotta listen to the old stuff brother!
You WON'T regret it.
The were a "Live" band, who played bars 5 nights a week! Constantly playing live.
They were signed to "Atlantic Records" in 1970.
Word has it, they were so polished from playing almost nightly, they laid-down their entire debut album... the self-titled "J. Geils Band", in 2-3 hours.
Walked-in, layed it down hard, and walked the f#ck out.
Kick-ass band Bob... kick-ass!
>>>Lynn said: What also is interesting- is Thomas Noguchi did the autopsies for Cielo Drive and was also involved in the bodies that washed away from the cemetery. There are actual photos from a local newspaper where people found human remains such as feet in their garden.>>
Lynn that is interesting. Noguchi also did Marily Monroe's autopsy. Didn't he right a book???
I've heard so many books mentioned that I need to get, my head's swimming. I need to write these things down. LOL.
errrrr....I meant "write a book". HA HA
I love it that you don't have to figure out the mystery word on this blog. That can be so annoying!!!
Marilyn Monroe, Robert F. Kennedy, Janis Joplin, Albert Dekker, William Holden, John Belushi, Natalie Wood, Sharon Tate, and Gia Scala
These are some of the people Thomas Noguchi performed autopsies
Mary said>>>
"Marilyn Monroe, Robert F. Kennedy, Janis Joplin, Albert Dekker, William Holden, John Belushi, Natalie Wood, Sharon Tate, and Gia Scala
These are some of the people Thomas Noguchi performed autopsies".
Holy Cow.
That's quite the A-List!
I'm assuming this Noguchi is now deceased himself?
Thanks Mary!! Didn't he write a book? I'd love to get that one. Although, how interesting can it be to read a chief medical examiners's book. It might be like sitting through an autopsy.
But, it might be worth reading.
I'd like to say thanks to Mary, Lynn & Kimchi. Their valuable input to this blog is appreciated. All the demographics about California, explaining about the area in 1969 has been very interesting!! It puts things in a different perspective.
Thanks gals!!
Lynyrd I think he's still alive. He's probably requested that no autopsy be performed on him. LOL.
I think he wrote a couple...and then a couple of fiction books...he also was in a couple of movies...I think he performed a complete autospy while being filmed...I think I remember something about this...I will try to see what it is.
He is still alive
Katie said>>>>
"I love it that you don't have to figure out the mystery word on this blog. That can be so annoying"!!!
Actually, you DO have to solve the mystery word here (like most places), the first time you open the page.
Once you're "word verified", you're good to go, until you leave and come back, from another URL.
The reason for the "word verification" is to prevent Spam.
You can turn it off... but, then you can get mass (computer-generated) mailings of foolishness of everything from Avon products, to LL Bean boots. LOL
The "word verification" let's the blog "know" sorta speak, that it's an actual human sending the message, and not a computer, sending-out tons of junk mail (spam crap)... which will happen.
It's a small price to pay, to prevent spam.
Katie said>>>
"Although, how interesting can it be to read a chief medical examiners's book. It might be like sitting through an autopsy".
I don't know.
I always thought Quincy MD, was a pretty good show. LOL
Katie said>>>>
"I'd like to say thanks to Mary, Lynn & Kimchi. Their valuable input to this blog is appreciated. All the demographics about California, explaining about the area in 1969 has been very interesting!! It puts things in a different perspective".
Definitely... much appreciated everyone!
You're the best!!!
Also Circumstance, Bob, AC... everyone!
Katie said>>>
"Lynyrd I think he's still alive. He's probably requested that no autopsy be performed on him. LOL".
Yeah... prolly huh? How ironic. : )
Well it seems on other blogs you have to do it every time.
Maybe I'm not remembering right!!
Quincy was patterned after Noguchi...he provided some of his staff to be consultants on the show
What's spooky, is when the word verification ties directly into the current discussion.
Like, the thing has a mind, or something.
That always freaks me out, and it happens a LOT.
The coversation will be about alcohol, and the word verification will be "beerbrandi"! LOLOL
Mary said>>>>
"Quincy was patterned after Noguchi...he provided some of his staff to be consultants on the show".
Really? Wow... I had no idea!
That's awesome.
Katie said>>>
"Well it seems on other blogs you have to do it every time.
Maybe I'm not remembering right"!!
Nah Katie... it's the same thing.
You just stay logged-in here, so it seems different.
Lynn said>>>>
"Thomas Noguchi did the autopsies for Cielo Drive and was also involved in the bodies that washed away from the cemetery. There are actual photos from a local newspaper where people found human remains such as feet in their garden".
Wow Lynn... if you could locate THAT article... I'd DEFINITELY post it!
I've got a serious question for either Lynn, or Kimchi:
That main building/house in the second photo (black and white), amongst the trees, with all the people in the front...
Is that the SAME building/house that's atop the mountain surrounded by trees, in Lynn's color forest fire photo???
I mean, is that literally the same building, and the same tress... all these years later?
If that's a stupid question, forgive me, but as I said, geography of the California locations is definitely NOT my strong suit.
Hello everyone...
Talking about Noguchi, it reminds me of Quincy, and the most memorable episode (to me!) was the one with the coffins rolling down the hill with the rain...I seem to remember it also caused an outbreak of hepatitis or something..the dead bodies contaminated everything..not sure if that was fiction or it really happened...
And yes, Noguchi was "booted out" many years ago by the Board of Supervisors...but that's a story in itself...LOL
I meant if the outbreak was fiction..because like Lynn said, the bodies really did was out!
>>Mary said: Quincy was patterned after Noguchi...he provided some of his staff to be consultants on the show>>>
I didn't know that!! Thanks Mary. I didn't really watch Quincy. Maybe I should've. HA HA.
>>>Kimchi said: And yes, Noguchi was "booted out" many years ago by the Board of Supervisors...but that's a story in itself...LOL>>>
Kimchi, I didn't know that either. Do you know why??? I thought he was the "end all-be all" in forensic scientists.
I've watched one autopsy in my life, and that was enough.
Worse than Hostel and any of that stuff. LOL.
Man... I really wanna see this article, about body parts washing out of the cemetary!
$100, to the first one to find it online. LOL
>>>Bobby said: word verification, some times the words are funny, I hate when i get them wrong. lol.>>>
I know. That's such a pain. I always copy what I write just in case!!!!
These women are awesome!
They're constantly coming-up with facts I've never heard of!
('course, maybe that's not too hard a task, LOL).
I'm convinced that Mary, Lynn and Kimchi, could have convicted OJ.
Marcia Clark and Chris Darden got nothing on these "soul sistas"! LOL
I gotta come-up with a name.
"Witche's of Medocino"? Nah.
"Lynyrd's Angel's"? Nah.
"Lynyrd's kick-ass female research team"!? Nah.
We'll work on it.
Here's an article from 1996
Why was Noguchi told to step down?
"Noguchi, who styled himself "Coroner to the Stars," was ousted from the $69,341-a-year position by the Board of Supervisors in 1982 on grounds that he mismanaged the department and used his office to promote himself in his outside activities."
They said he talked too much to the media..
>>>Lynyrd said: I gotta come-up with a name.
"Witche's of Medocino"? Nah.
"Lynyrd's Angel's"? Nah.
"Lynyrd's kick-ass female research team"!? Nah.
We'll work on it.
I really like Lynyrd's Angels. HA HA.
I can just see the 3 of them posing, vowing to find the truth, and all the while being so breath takingingly beautiful that they paralyze and defy any foe.
YES...that's it.
And I can be Bosley. And you can be....da boss.
"Okay Angels, today's assignment is to find out where Tex lived in 1968 and exactly what wigs he was selling in his "Love Locs" salon. Was it strictly women's wear, or did they move on to men's rugs."
That reminds me...
If the big strapping football player from Denton, Texas moved to CA and opened up a "wig shop", I'll betcha he didn't tell his comrades back in Denton that he did that.
They'd have thought he'd turned into a "limp wrist".
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Boy Kimchi, you've gotta have a lot of time on your hands to break into crypts and defile them.
Those hippies. They need to get a job.
Thanks for the article.
I could never come-up with a name, classy enough for these ladies.
They're Top Notch!
>>>Kimchi said: Why was Noguchi told to step down?
"Noguchi, who styled himself "Coroner to the Stars," was ousted from the $69,341-a-year position by the Board of Supervisors in 1982 on grounds that he mismanaged the department and used his office to promote himself in his outside activities."
They said he talked too much to the media.>>
$69,341/year job. Wow.
He was making less than Gibby. She was bringing down around $130,000/year.
That's sad.
Well, why wouldn't he talk to the media? I can't blame him. He had too much to say.
That's really too bad, because he was an excellent CME. From what I can see, he was decent and caring.
"Boy Kimchi, you've gotta have a lot of time on your hands to break into crypts and defile them."
Well that sounded stupid, like you were doing it.
I meant them!!!!
OK, I'm back now, where were we?
Oh, so Mary and Lynn live here too? Hey guys, where at?
And Katie, you asked about the wigs - Michael at BPT has a Tex wig...it reminded me of a Beatles wig..
I asked a question earlier - but out of 92 posts - it's probably buried... so I'll re-post it.
I asked:
"I've got a serious question for either Lynn, or Kimchi:
That main building/house in the second photo (black and white), amongst the trees, with all the people in the front...
Is that the SAME building/house that's atop the mountain surrounded by trees, in Lynn's color forest fire photo???
I mean, is that literally the same building, and the same trees... all these years later?"
Any idea Kimchi?
In all honesty, (shame shame) I've never been up there!
I asked a lady (today)that grew up there what it was like and she said (LOL) - snakes, lots of snakes..
OK, I'll make the trek Lynyrd, just for you..snakes don't bother me..
Gotta remember, I'm from the "other valley"...LOL
Folks from LA know what that means..
One of the neatest places I've been lately was Venice Beach - that place has NOT changed..you feel like you're back in the 60's when your there..bunch of freaks and heads living in old school buses right on the beach..feeding the homeless..
I would tell Saint, don't miss that one when he's here.
You know, I have to disagree with the description Beausoleil gave about El Monte on his web site- I think he said the town is made up of Mexicans and Old Arkies or something..not true..the Parent family lived there, I knew a lot of nice people that lived there..I mean it's certainly not Beverly Hills, but it was a farming community at one time..(#97)
And speaking of El Monte - do you guys remember the part from Geraldo's Manson Family Reunion where Nellie asked TJ if they got the gun (buntline) from the gun range in El Monte? Seems like they didn't let TJ answer or something..
Kimchi said>>>>
"I asked a lady (today)that grew up there what it was like and she said (LOL) - snakes, lots of snakes".
That's the SAME THING Lynn said.
Lynn's first post on this thread said>>>
"I have not done the hike up to the hog farm. I will be really honest with you...I am terrified of rattle snakes and there are plenty on that and the fire road. If you go, stay on the trails and wear hiking boots and long pants"!
Jeez... two for two.
That place must be crawling with snakes.
Circumstance, if you go up that hill, where long pants dude.
We really wanna see you come back, in one piece!
Kimchi said>>>>
"OK, I'll make the trek Lynyrd, just for you..snakes don't bother me".
You're the best Kimchi!
Kimchi said>>>
"One of the neatest places I've been lately was Venice Beach - that place has NOT changed..you feel like you're back in the 60's when your there..bunch of freaks and heads living in old school buses right on the beach..feeding the homeless..
I would tell Saint, don't miss that one when he's here.
Sounds wild Kimchi!
You're gonna have me moving to Cali, before it's over. : )
Besides, now I'm interested in that cemetary so I want to check that out too..
I'll do it next Saturday..cause we got Vegas on this weekend..yeehaw..
Take pictures!
LOTS of pictures!! LOLOL
Let the camera be your best friend! : )
Heck, take a few shots in Vegas too!
Why not an off-topic thread on one of our favorite blogger's vacation weekends?!!! I'm Game!
I've never been to Vegas either, so it will be another "virtual" experience for me as always! LOLOL
Yeah, but I bet you've been to Atlantic City, right?
Nope. LOL
I've been to Niagara Falls (Buffalo NY & Canada), Washington DC (Smithsonian, and all that), Grand Canyon (Arizona), Disney (Florida) twice, and a 7-day cruise in the Bahamas.
Yeah, I gotta get out more often! LOL
Lynn said>>>
"I have been down in Venice quite a bit in the past two months. Agree it has not changed much. Barkers standing on the street, saying the Dr is in and get your medical marijuana".
I definitely gotta visit this place! LOL
Isn't that where Manson picked-up Squeaky??
Lynn said>>>>
"They said he talked too much to the media..
Sounds a little like Susan Atkins".
AHahahaha How true!
Susan Atkins and Dr. Noguchi.
Who woulda thought they'd have so much in common?! LOL
Their mouths always getting them in trouble. : )
Lynn said>>>>
"I heard it is the same house but probably with quite a few modifications"
It's probably the same building.
You gotta wonder how many folks would build up there.
If not, it's definitely the same location anyway.
You can tell just by looking at the photos.
Hey thanks alot i cant belive i never herd of this place being a 3rd generation tujungan its crazy that i would learn of it from steven tylers dose the noise in my head bother you also crazy to find our "black bus charlie" Charles manson hung out there my dad told me... "hog farm oh yeah"...and sure enough i found an article about one of Chuck's acomplise's talks about being taken back and forth from the "spiral stair case house?" in la tuna? Where was tha boy id love to hear any more stories bout tge place thanks -gabriel mccall
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