Saturday, September 3, 2011

Suze asked:
>>>>"Lynyrd could you please keep the gate locked? Katie keeps getting out and shitting in other peoples' yards".<<<<

Lynyrd Responds Below... "Click" to read.

Well... let's put it this way Suze:
As most people probably have figured-out over time, there are essentially two Katie's.  The happy one, and the pissed-off one.  Generally speaking... if you treat Katie respectully, you get the happy one.  If you dis-respect her, you get the horns.

As I've said before... I DON'T condone everything Katie says or does... AND... I can't/won't be held personally responsible for her actions... any more than I would be, for any other blogger.

BUT... having said that:

I DID read Katie's comments at Liz's on the original night of "shenanigans"... and they weren't that outrageous.  She said nothing, I would have deleted myself.  Her words were "controversial"... maybe even "argumentative" and "silly"... but nothing outrageous.

At the end of the day... I DO believe Liz's Blog, DOES have a stricter set of standards for some bloggers than others. 
It's not just what you write... but, who you are... and that really is a fact.
Bobby, Mary, Myself, and others... have all experienced being "held to a higher standard" over there... and have found our comments deleted.  That's why we don't go there... and (quite frankly) that's just as well with me. 

Bottom Line Suze:

I DON'T agree with Katie's methods of defending herself... OR her 12 post rant at Colonel's.  That shit sucks for everyone... including me.  I hate stumbling upon that stuff.  It translates into major, unnecessary head-aches.
BUT... at the end of the day Suze... Katie's premise is actually correct.  She does get "slighted" at Liz's.

Liz's blog has a ZERO tolerance policy for the folks from my blog.  The only thing we can get away with posting is "Thanks Liz... nice photo".  That's a fact. 
If we're not deleted... we're attacked gang-style... usually both! 
Every time I go over there, and really contribute by voicing my honest opinion on any subject... I end-up defending myself... four against one.  It happens every time.  I simply can't get out of there peacefully... unless I make a "fluff" post, and say next to nothing.

I say Liz's Blog... but, it's NOT to say Liz specifically.  Liz (I don't think), gets into the deleting... and she definitely doesn't get into the arguing.  There are 4 administrators there... so, it's hard to discern the culprit.  I really don't think it's Matt.  I have quite a bit of respect for Matt.

I went over there to compliment Matt about his views on Catholic funerals recently... and Ken immediately took the opportunity to make a "snide" remark about "catholic school girl outfits".  I ignored him.  I could have eaten him alive... but, if I gave it back... it would have been another four-on-one brawl... and I would have been the bad guy again.
There's also the constant "passive aggression"...


**Brownrice and Matt both knew damn well... the "Harold True footage" which Revatron was referring to... was on my site.  But, instead of directing Vera (and other bloggers) to my site... they purposely searched-out another copy somewhere on YouTube.
**Ken had to immediately point-out, last night... that my new thread regarding the Debra Tate news was on Cat's blog 4 days ago.

**Ken sarcastically jabbed Katie pretty hard, on his blog the other night.

Suze... it's all just foolish, petty, "baby shit".  It's neeedless games and harrassment... but it exists on both sides.  Suze... it's definitely NOT a one-sided situation.

Thing is Suze... the folks from my blog, are definitely treated as "second class citizens" at Liz's location, and held to a stricter standard.  There's no doubt.  Myself (and others), deal with it, by simply not going there.  Personally... all the "baby shit" doesn't matter to me a whole lot.  I really don't care.  Katie internalizes it... and deals with it her own way.  What can I tell ya?

Katie isn't wanted at Liz's, by at least one of the administrators... yet, she functions fine here.  The proof is in the pudding. 

I have DEFINITELY had to delete some of Katie's comments myself on occasion. 
BUT... if you treat Katie in a "welcoming manner"... as a friend... and value her opinions... those times where/when "deletion" is necessary, are few.
Most times under her outrageous delivery... Katie's spot-on correct... AND... if you allow Katie to have her say... without deleting her words every time... she will usually apologize the next day... if she is, in fact, wrong.

What can I tell ya Suze...
Sometimes in life, you get what you give... and sometimes (in Katie's case), you get more than you bargained for.  In the words of Rodney King: “Can’t we all just get along”?  At the end of the day... it's just a freakin' blog.

To answer your question directly Suze:
No… I can’t contain Katie. She’s a women on the other side of the country, on a computer.  For the record Suze...  Revatron is/was clearly wrong anyway...

Peace... Lynyrd


katie8753 said...

The truth of the matter is, despite popular opinion and a general concensus of the evilliz members, I really don't like to fight. In fact, I find it a worthless endeavor. Nobody ever wins. It just turns into a big bruhaha that solves nothing and leaves hard feelings.

I'm not sure why Suze had to make a comment when she wasn't even involved in the frucas she's referring to, but maybe she can clear that up here.

It's true that a lot of people from this blog aren't able to post at Liz's blog, for whatever reason. They get jumped on and their comments get deleted. That's a shame, because every once in a while she posts some interesting threads that I would like to comment on, but I know that if I do, I'll get jumped on by 4 or 5 people, then I'll jump back, and then I'll be deleted. So why put the effort into it?

As I said yesterday, there have been people who are members of Liz's blog who have made comments on this blog, and not only are they NOT jumped on with hostile agression, they're actually welcomed.

It's too bad that it's not that way at

I'm human like anyone else. If someone pushes me, I'm gonna push back. But like I said, there are no winners so it's an effort in futility.

Last night's trainwreck started with my innocent comment to Vera, which was an answer to the qestion she had asked, then several of Liz's bloggers had to show up and argue with me. Well...I'm gonna argue back. I didn't start it...but I'll end it.

I personally am done with this silly argument and I hope to never hear about it again.

katie8753 said...

Anyone is welcome to make a comment on this thread about these issues as long as it is civil.

And yes...that includes me. HA HA.

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

That's the exact progression every time I post anything of major substance at Liz's blog.

1) Several people come out of the woodwork to challenge me.

2) I defend myself... four against one.

3) All my comments get deleted.

4) I'm the bad guy for three days.

Great Fun!!

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

To Liz's credit, she doesn't get involved in the foolishness.
I can respect that...

I wish a few of her bloggers... and maybe one or two of her administrators... would operate the same way.

katie8753 said...

Lynyrd I have to agree. Liz is not the one causing the trouble. I don't recall her ever attacking me after I made a comment.

Anonymous said...

I would say just don't go there if you know ahead of time that its going to be a hassle.
lifes too short to spend it fighting with people you don't even know.
its kind of funny in a way because most everyone on these blogs is interested in the same thing but are so consumed by these stupid turf wars and who insulted who that they forget what brought them here in the first place.

i'll bet if everyone on these different blogs sat down together in a room as human beings and not as made up names and identities we'd probably get along fine.
or on the other hand it could make the middle east look like a sunny day in the park.
i blame the internet
its all al gores fault

Anonymous said...

liz is cool

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

I must admit... over time... Liz has exhibited more class, than I had originally given her credit for.

She's definitely exhibited more class than many of her so-called "followers".

Maybe it's time for her to start whipping some of those troops into shape.
She's not the problem... they are!

Liz has NEVER given Katie any crap, since I opened this blog... not once.

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Matt... I sent Lynn your e-mail address.

She said she's going on some fire department boat ride, or something... and has a full "labor day" weekend "itinerary" planned as usual.
She always very busy...

At any rate... I did send her your e-mail.

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...


I was kinda hoping you two (You and Lynn), would keep your conversations on-blog actually... I find them interesting most times.

But anyway... good luck brother!!! LOLOL

She sounds pretty hot! : )

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Just kidding.

She's a really nice girl...

Anonymous said...

i just figured no-one gives a shit about the replacements or husker du on a manson blog.
a comment here or there is cool as i've told you before thats one of the things i like about this blog but i've got alot of questions for someone who grew up in that scene in the 80s...wish i had been there.

anyway back to the manson stuff..
patrice bergeron sunday!!!!!!!!!!!

katie8753 said...

Matt I agree with you. If it's a hassle, just stay away.

In a perfect world, we could all just go post comments on other blogs.

But....this is not a perfect world.

And yes, it's all Al Gore's fault. HA HA.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katie8753 said...

Hi Lynn. Thanks for your input. I agree completely.

Have fun this weekend!!! :)

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Have fun Lynn!

I always love to hear about all your activities and adventures!

Concerts, parties, boat rides... you name it!

It makes me feel young again. LOL

I'm living vicariously through You!!! Ahahahaha

Stay young Lynn... you Rock!

Kimchi said...

My my my, I'm at a loss for words here....

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...



LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Kimchi said:
>>>>"My my my, I'm at a loss for words here"<<<<....

I know huh?

See what happens while you're off doing major research?!? LOLOL

Love you Kimchi!!

Kimchi said...

Hmmm, visited the Museum of Death in Hollywood yesterday, want to talk about that?

The owner/curator is the best part...

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Go for it Kimchi... I'm all ears!!

Kimchi said...

Umm, they have sections on Serial Killers, some guy's skull..can't remember who he was, autopsies, mortuaries, Helter Skelter, JFK, RFK, M. Monroe,,,,,even have Jane Mansfield's dog that is stuffed...and a section of Kenneth Anger, guess he's a fan of the place...

And a two headed turtle that is adorable...yes, she is alive... moves like a crab..

The owner is a great guy, loved him...AJ I think was his name...

Kimchi said...

I gave you a plug he may be coming by here...

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Years ago... I visited Niagara falls... and while on the "Canadian side"... I visited their "Ripley's... Believe It Or Not" Museum.

It sounds like a very similar experience!
It's been so long, I can't remember specifics anymore... and they didn't allow cameras... but, it does sound like the same type of place..

Wow... a two-headed turtle! LOL
Sounds cool.

We just have two-headed snakes in blogland. AHahahaha

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Kimchi said:
>>>>"I gave you a plug he may be coming by here"<<<<...

"The more the merrier"... I always say!!!

Does he sound like Alfred Hitchcock?? hahaha

Californians have all the fun!! LOL

I spent yesterday picking-up fallen branches, limbs and brush, following the hurricane!
Yahoo!!! Fun times!! hahaha

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katie8753 said...

Hi Kimchi!

The Museum of Death in Hollywood. Now that's the place to be. HA HA HA.

Sounds quite interesting!

Kimchi said...

No, Ripleys is across the street from there...this place focused on infamous stuff, Bundy - morgue pix, btw, his brain was removed - most know that though..

McVeigh - after death pix, some gawd awful stuff- pix from the war we are involved with now, bunch of photos of the Black Dahlia crime scene...

Got to be a sicko to look at that stuff... guess I'm one of those 'cause I looked :)

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

I had a GREAT time at the "Ripley's" Museum by the way...

I highly recommend it to anyone, who's into bizarre "Guiness World Records-type" stuff.

It's not a serious museum of course... along the lines of the Smithsonian buildings (which I LOVE even more!)... but, still a worthwhile "take" for ten bucks.

"A journey into the bizarre"... enough said... LOL

Kimchi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katie8753 said...

Kimchi, you're right, Bundy's brain was removed to preserve the DNA evidence. Gross.

And the Black Dahlia. That is a mystery that will never be solved, just like TLB.

I have several books on that, and it's interesting, there is so much speculation as to what really happened, just like TLB.

My opinion is that Elizabeth Short was a floozy that went from man to man, until one of those men didn't like it anymore.

And he did her in, in a very vile manner.

Course, that's just my opinion. :)

Kimchi said...

Lynn -

It's on the corner of Gower and Hollywood Blvd...

They moved from San Diego to here...

They have the original Heavens Gate beds and stuff there.

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...


My kinda stuff!!

You Californians have it all! LOL

I used to watch every episode of "The Twilight Zone" with Rod Serling!

There's a new DVD series out...
I think it's called "Banned in the USA"... or something like that.
Five or six DVD's of 100% REAL Death footage!! LOL
The whole set on Amazon is 25 bucks.

Kimchi said...

Oh, something I've never seen either was Marilyn's autopsy photos - man, she was beat up around the face, black eyes and nose...

They called that suicide? OhhhKKKKK

Anonymous said...

I like it, Kimchi! Are they open every day? How long have they been here? I remember on one of my birthdays, I insisted upon going to the Hollywood Wax Museum...a little cheesy yes, but oh so fun!

Have you been to the museum of tolerance (or is it intolerance?- i can never remember)...i always see it when we are on our way to century city and always remark we should stop and of course, never do.

Whenever I am downtown LA near the old hotels, I always think about the Black Dahlia....that was a crazy mruder that they still talk about.....

Have you ever been on the Tour of Death or the Manson Bus Tour? Have always wanted to- we talk about doing it on Halloween but never have....

Kimchi said...

When you and Katie coming out on the black bus? LOL..pick up some others on the way, LOL

Gotta make it Fall or early Spring so you can visit the Valley of Death...

Kimchi said...

Lynee said:

Have you been to the museum of tolerance (or is it intolerance?- i can never remember

OMG, it was mandatory for my employment to go there...but they paid for it..yes, I remember it well..

At the end of the day, they had a White Supremist (ex) give a lecture..I was scared sh>>>tess when I left there..

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can borrow the Magic Bus from the Twelve Tribes (met them recently and toured the bus when we went to a movie premiere)'s all psychedelic and it has love beads in the inside and even a stove etc. The Twelve Tribes are a trip- communal group we met were from San Diego but they are everywhere.....

Anonymous said...

I want to visit both museums now- thanks for telling us about them. I have a thing for museums and both sound very interesting.

Kimchi said...

Maybe you can borrow the Magic Bus from the Twelve Tribes (met them recently and toured the bus when we went to a movie premiere)'s all psychedelic and it has love beads in the inside and even a stove etc. The Twelve Tribes are a trip- communal group we met were from San Diego but they are everywhere.....

Lynn, did you see the John Lennon tribute play downtown? My boss said it was great...think it's called "Just Imagine"...

Anonymous said...

No...would have loved to though. We saw The Magic Trip...unedited footage of Ken Kesey's trip across America...the Twelve Tribe folks were there. The same theatre...I think it was the Nuart- is going to show a film on Serge Gainsbourg...I love Serge.

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...


Lynn... I ALWAYS wanted to see Ken Kesey's "Merry Pranksters" video footage!!

Their Bus... "FURTHER"!

"The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" about Ken Kesey's adventures... is absolutely, hands-down... my favorite book of all-time!!!!

v717 said...

Cease To Exist.
Here is the film about Manson´s involvement with the Beach Boys.
The film explores the music motive behind the murders.
Of course I don´t agree with the conclusion that the motive was a frustated Manson who in anger of not becoming a rock star realeased these murders.
But still I think it´s a rather good and intresing movie.

MrPoirot said...

Matt is the Jempud of Liz's blog.

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

What does that mean?

I know little of Jempud... other than her avatar... which is a goose.

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Thanks V717... I enjoyed the movie.

In the last part... one minute in... the interviewer plays the original "Look at Your Game Girl" from the late 60's... and Charlie clearly gets emotional.
Manson is speechless for a full half minute... biting his lip.

I felt bad for Manson at that point.

I saw Manson get emotional at a parole hearing once also... the hearing where he removes his sunglasses.

Maybe he has feelings after all...

Spending an entire lifetime in jail, has got to seriously suck.

v717 said...

I saw that to. I´m sure he has his moments.

v717 said...

I bet you never seen this film before. It´s on Charles Tex Watson website. One day Tex Watson gets a visit in jail. Guess by who?
The film is a Docudrama where Tex tells his side of the story.
There is also his book (Will you die for me) about his time in the family.

Suze said...

Lynyrd, I follow these blogs every day. Those folks were justified in deleting you on occasion. I've seen you guys go to Liz's blog and fight WITH EACH OTHER, for crying out loud! And I do remember a few times recently when you and Katie had your meds straight and you posted at Liz. You weren't deleted I suspect because you were temporarily sane. You can't say anyone started with you. I don't buy it.

You do the manson bolosphere a great service - by giving a home to the freaks who are by and large pariahs elsewhere. I will not return to read your rants, er I mean replies. Good-bye.

katie8753 said...

Hi Suze. Thanks for taking the time to stop by.

I'm not sure how you can have such a strong opinion on matters that didn't involve or include you, but...I guess you have your motives.

I feel certain that a large majority of the people who blog do not share your opinion....but that's okay. You're certainly entitled to your opinion as you see it.

Again...thanks for stopping by and have a nice day! :)

katie8753 said...

V717, thanks for that link. I'd seen that docudrama a while back. It's pretty interesting! Tex's side of the story. LOL.

katie8753 said...

>>>Mr. P said: Matt is the Jempud of Liz's blog.>>>

Hi Mr. P! Good to see you!

I'm not sure what your comment means. Can you explain??

Mary said...

My opinion may not be well received - but why do any of us care what people we do not know - and will probably never know - think about us or how they react? If someone "attacks" you in other blogs...shrug it off. All you are doing is giving them the satisfaction of messing with your mind and falling into their trap to make you look crazy.

Honestly, I am sick of it. None of this should have any bearing on your life - this is somewhat of a fantasy world...we don't know who these people are or if they are the same people (as many come out and declare). Discuss the case and move on. If it gets "personal" move on...if you feel you are getting attacked elsewhere - stop taking the bait...or stop posting there. If a subject interests you and you feel the need to comment - comment where you feel safe. I have seen other commenters comment about another blog's posting. What is the big deal???

Katie and Lynyrd - you are letting those people who get your goat win...if they want to bait you and/or make fun of you, are never going to change them...why go down to their level? If you don't want to associate with those you find undesirable - why try to associate? I don't get it.

Mary said...

Ignore, ignore, ignore...I don't understand why you are highlighting the situation by giving Suze a post of her very own? For a stupid comment made on another post? You are giving them the validation they want. I say this with respect - you two are much better than this.

katie8753 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
katie8753 said...

Thanks Mary, and you're right. I don't need to be associating with people who cause anxiety in my life. You've hit the nail on the head!

Why make a comment because a thread might be interesting if it's not welcome anyway. It's just a waste of effort. There are plenty of interesting threads on this blog and a few others.

Thanks for your input!! :)

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Hello Suze.

Suze said:
>>>>"Lynyrd, I follow these blogs every day. Those folks were justified in deleting you on occasion. I've seen you guys go to Liz's blog and fight WITH EACH OTHER, for crying out loud! And I do remember a few times recently when you and Katie had your meds straight and you posted at Liz. You weren't deleted I suspect because you were temporarily sane. You can't say anyone started with you. I don't buy it.
You do the manson bolosphere a great service - by giving a home to the freaks who are by and large pariahs elsewhere. I will not return to read your rants, er I mean replies. Good-bye".<<<<

I responded to your comment very respectfully, in a sincere attempt at open, honest dialogue.
Evidently, you are filled with some type of personal anger, which will preclude that from happening.

I'm not sure where all this hostility springs from... as I've never addressed you directly (before this)... not even once.
I've had no dealings with you, at all.

SOME of the "deleting sessions" were justified... I agree with you.
Other times, they were not... it was unnecessary and excessive.

Beyond that one point... your last comment bears no content... other than needless and un-warranted insults.
Responding to insults, is a complete waste of my time.
I won't be bothered.

The only question which keeps coming to my mind, is this:
Why don't you let Liz and Matt handle their own business?
To Liz's credit... she doesn't even bother herself with this foolishness... and Matt is generally respectful.
Don't you have anything better to do?

I've already invested too much time on this baby stuff.
My hope... was to treat you respectfully, and maybe... just maybe... receive the same treatment in return.
Tha'ts obviously not possible.

Good Day Suze...

I'm NOT going to delete your comments... as other locations would surely do.
I'll let your comments stand.
I tried sincerely at honest dialogue... and your comments clearly demonstrate... you are unwilling... due to some unfounded anger.
Even after slinging several insults here, you were treated respectfully...

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Mary said:
>>>>"Ignore, ignore, ignore...I don't understand why you are highlighting the situation by giving Suze a post of her very own? For a stupid comment made on another post? You are giving them the validation they want. I say this with respect - you two are much better than this".<<<<

Believe me Mary... my job, family, friends, guitar, yardwork, health, responsibilities and religion... all come WAY before this blog foolishness.

I intentionally and purposely, used Suze's original comment as a "springboard" to "air" my thoughts on a subject, which I wanted to address anyway.

In the grand scheme of things... this blog baby crap means very little to me... beyond a few close friends such as yourself.

I've been around a LONG time, as have many of my bloggers.
I've seen a million "Suze's" come and go.
She actually thinks her word means something... which is the biggest laugh of all.
I'm going outside, to weed my garden... that's how "concerned" I am, about all this foolishness.

Peace... Lynyrd

FrankM said...

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

I know little of Jempud... other than her avatar... which is a goose.

Actually, a duck. Her name would be Jemima Puddleduck, as in the Beatrix Potter books.

I think she comes from South American Way (ay, ay, ay ay),


FrankM said...

I forgot to include the Carmen Miranda link: here


katie8753 said...

Hi Frank!

Love that Carmen Miranda. All those big hats with fruit and plants!!

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Thanks Frank!!

Nice music... and the South American girls aren't bad either!

; )

Kimchi said...


You sir, are a man of wit and wisdom...

Love your posts and have admired them for years..

Please come by here more often..

FrankM said...

Kimchi, you're very kind.

I don't post much, as you know, but once in a while get the urge.


Marliese said...

I can't get over the remarks directed at Katie. Katie lives up to her title of 'hostess' here, she never fails to catch recent comments, she's generous with compliments, she always acknowledges everyone, she's appreciative and thanks people, she asks for more information, she's confident and backs up her opinions with facts, but she's willing to listen to other points of view.

She expresses herself vividly. I guess people don't like that.

And I appreciate that not only can she spot double standards a mile away, she has understanding and compassion for the hurt they cause and isn't afraid to speak up about them.

Katie, your personality and posting style are a huge part of the energy of this blog...I hope you don't pay any attention to the cruel close the gate remark...don't give it a moment of your time.

Have lots more to say but it's late and i'm so sleepy...:)

katie8753 said...

Thanks Marliese!! Your words are greatly appreciated. I do make the extra effort to make sure that everyone is welcomed here, and I hope that I don't ever miss anyone, but it sure is nice to be appreciated!!!

Glad to see you back! I've missed you lots!!!

andy said...

wait a second here, did someone mention Husker Du?

katie8753 said...

Hi Andy. I believe Matt mentioned Husker DU.

LynyrdSkynyrdBand said...

Hi Andy!

MattP and Lynn Love Husker Du.

You'd probably have better luck mentioning the subject on the newest thread...

Anonymous said...

husker du
there i mentioned it.