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Friday, October 11, 2013

Bobby Beausoleil Photos

From a new Facebook page -


  1. Is it just me, or does Bobby look like his legs are cut-off at the knees, in that 3rd photo?

  2. 3rd photo....
    I see it too LS.
    Looks like he's been "getting small...".
    Definitely too small to drive.....

  3. LS said:

    "Is it just me, or does Bobby look like his legs are cut-off at the knees, in that 3rd photo?"

    I think it's the angle or possibly the photo being blown up too many've always seen "only the head shot" of this photo, maybe that's why!

    Man, he was one pretty boy...too bad he was such a bad boy too...!

  4. Bobby was definitely a very handsome guy. If only he had been as handsome on the inside....

    He does like kinda stumpy in the 3rd photo. LOL.

  5. I think he did kill Hinman over bad drugs but there is always the debate over whether he killed for Hinman's $20K inheritance. Was there ever any inheritance?
    It makes sense that Bobby killed because he had a bunch of mad bikers on his ass. If he killed him for the inheritance then he'd never get the money. Charlie would have insisted they keep pressuring Hinmsan if they knew he had $20K.

    He does look like a Munchkin in the 3rd pic.

  6. Leslie Van Houten had the hots for Bobby. She must have really been put out when she said she saw Bobby en flagrante with Manson. Leslie vwas one of the Front Street girls yet Bobby preferred Manson. Leslie is probably more pissed at that than she is at spending her life in jail. That had to be the topper.

  7. What's the story behind the eye patch? I've seen the picture numerous times and have always been curious.

  8. Mr. P said:

    "It makes sense that Bobby killed because he had a bunch of mad bikers on his ass. If he killed him for the inheritance then he'd never get the money."

    Mr. P, he has changed his story his last parole hearing he said it wasn't true about the drugs...

    Mr. P said:

    "Leslie Van Houten had the hots for Bobby. She must have really been put out when she said she saw Bobby en flagrante with Manson."

    Well, according to Leslie, there was a lot of jealousy, I believe Bobby favored Gail...and then there was Kitty too...

    Bing said:

    "What's the story behind the eye patch?"

    Bing, I believe his daughter said it was a publicity stunt or something..

    I've seen this eye patch photo many times, but not when he's smiling :-0

  9. Bobby must have been a bizarre human being. He was said to walk around with a Falcon on his shoulder. People just got way too far out in the 60s.

  10. I thought I remember that when Bobby asked Hinman for his $2000 back for the bad mescaline that Hinman was demanding that Bobby return what was left of the bad batch but Bobby didn't bring any of the bad batch.

  11. 2nd photo down: is the girl in the foreground wearing a religious robe of sore sort?
